at Los Gatos Farms
A “Parent” & Child
Equine Experience
$225 (4 mornings or 4 afternoons)
9:30 - 11:30AM 9:30 - 11:30AM
12:30 - 2:30PM
Is your little one in love with horses? Or scared of horses? Or curious about horses? Or oblivious and YOU want time with the horses? HA!! Los Gatos Farms has a wonderful program for the both of you…
Just 4 kids (with their adult) for each class time. Our precious ponies are the best teachers ever! We will learn all about horses, moving as quickly, or as slowly, as your child cares to go…hugging, leading, grooming, tacking up, and riding! And then, probably hugging some more…
Have a fun time on our play structures, swings, and Straw Bale toboggan run.
And visit our other sweet farm animals, too…goats, chickens, ducks, and bunnies! (Bring your lunch for some extra farm time, if you like!)
Toni Kent will be your instructor for this class…contact her directly at toni@losgatosfarms.com or call 408-771-6077.